Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A letter

Dear Camera,

I don’t know how long a time I will spend with you. To me every camera after my first DSLR doesn’t match up to her. She was a wonder. To my untrained eyes then. It made me unsatisfied with each new camera I got. I had to take pictures that were better than the first but it seemed like I couldn’t get it ‘just right’.

I have learned that there is no such thing as ‘just right. Even a ‘spoiled’ can turn out to look like a masterpiece. You have yet to come a long way to match up to my first camera whom I shall now dub as ‘Precious’. I hope she is happy with her new owner. Her owner of more than a year already BUT I’ll never know if he sold her.

But I’m happy with you now…you seem rather sturdy-not exactly pretty but just plain sturdy. That’s good. Plain and simple. But please, tell your boss, Canon to make you a little lighter. Obese babies aren’t in the running.

For now, I’m happy with you. But I think we are both still on probation.


Your owner.

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